Hello There, Honey!

It seems like we are on a constant voyage, searching for optimal health and the Fountain of Youth. Call off the dogs and open your cupboard!
It is reported that bees have produced honey for 10 to 20 million years. Honey is not only one of nature's most delicious gifts; it is also one of her most generous.
Among the safest of foods (unless you are a baby less than a year old, in which case honey should not be ingested!), most dangerous bacteria cannot even survive in honey. In fact, explorers discovered 2,000-year-old jars of honey inside Egyptian tombs; and yes, they were delicious!
The benefits of RAW honey (RAW means that the honey has not been heated to a temperature exceeding 116 degrees Fahrenheit) have long been celebrated... The Romans used honey (as opposed to gold) to pay their taxes; Cleopatra used honey, daily, as a moisturizer; it was salient throughout the Balkan War (1913) − applied to soldiers' wounds and burns as an antibacterial, healing cover; honey from a stingless strain of bees has even been used to treat the flu, glaucoma, eye disease, and respiratory illness. And in 2007, in Australia, it was effective in controlling MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphyloccocus aureus). With antibacterial agents for more than 60 different types of bacteria, honey is far reaching. Boasting properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, overall immunity booster, and even improver of HDL cholesterol, it seems to glow with "golden" possibilities.
Spread The (RAW) Honey Around
The merits seem to be ever-growing when it comes to honey... Here are just a few places for honey in our everyday lives:
SORE THROATS: With its soothing consistency and medicinal properties, honey can relieve symptoms and cure certain infections. It's helpful for coughs and respiratory ailments too (and has helped many a singer in times of need).
INSOMNIA: Honey's natural sugar causes a slight insulin increase; this lets the tryptophan ease into our brains. The result? Relaxation and Zzzzzs. Try a spoonful before bed!
ENERGY: Fascinating that what works as a natural stress and relaxation tool, can also boost energy. Many athletes love a bit of honey before a race or performance. Our bodies can easily digest fructose and glucose, honey's sugars. So much healthier than the high fructose corn syrup found in sports drinks.
ALLERGIES: Anticipating seasonal allergies? Try some raw local honey for a couple of months before allergy season. With bits of exposure to the irritating pollen (bees actually carry some of that pollen, which becomes part of their honey) − your immunity may improve!
HANGOVERS: About last night... With properties of 'gentle on the tummy' plus natural sugars, honey can actually speed up the liver's oxidation of alcohol. And it will help to settle that sour stomach. Cheers!
SCRAPES/ABRASIONS: If you have a major wound, see your doctor! But for those minor cuts? Try a drop of honey and a band-aid. Not only will honey provide a protective seal against external dirt and germs, but its antibacterial agents will accelerate healing. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and it aids in the growth of healthy tissue. It has even been credited with helping cuts to smell better (weird trivia).
MOISTURIZER/CONDITIONER: Why not try a little honey in your bath tonight for softer skin? Or mix it with olive oil for a homemade, deeply penetrating hair conditioner. Combine honey and milk for a facial! Honey naturally attracts water and will help you stay moisturized, glowing, and smooth.
DELICIOUSNESS: Oh, yeah. And it tastes good. Really good − by the spoonful or as a natural sweetener in beverages, cooking, and baking.
Have a favorite honey recipe or home remedy you'd like to share? Do tell!