Berry Bliss

Breakfast is so important, but sometimes it doesn't fit into a busy schedule... Yet, how you begin the day will absolutely affect the rest of your day. What goes into our bellies is directly related to how we feel both physically and mentally. And we get to choose: do we select a day of energy or a day of dragging?
If you are a skip-breakfast-and-grab-a-coffee morning person, this blog is for you.
Fact: we need energy. And it can be so easy to grab a quick bowl of cereal or just skip breakfast entirely. But here's the thing − the goal is not just to survive the day; the goal is to thrive throughout the day. Beware the crash and crave rollercoaster. If you begin your morning with caffeinated coffee and sugar you will soon crash and feel too tired to conquer responsibilities with any level of motivation. Instinct will have you reaching for another cup of coffee... and so it continues.
All is not lost. Hello, smoothies! A quick alternative to a fast breakfast, smoothies can help energize us throughout the entire day. Toss in some greens, a little fruit, and a healthy liquid like coconut water, and you are introducing high quality energy, nutrition, and antioxidants − which help protect our bodies from free radicals. Plus, smoothies are a great low glycemic breakfast, which translates to curbed sugar cravings all day. Goodbye crash and crave rollercoaster.
So the next time you want a quick and/or highly delicious, satisfying, healthy breakfast, make a smoothie and give your body the nutrients to produce natural energy and a big metabolism boost. I, personally, will be pulling out my blender tomorrow morning for some long lasting energy. How about you?
- 1 cup coconut water or almond milk
- ½ cup frozen strawberries, raspberries, and/or blueberries
- 1 banana
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
- 1 tablespoon flax meal or chia seeds
- Pinch of cinnamon
- Stevia or raw honey to sweeten
- Ice (optional)
Blend all ingredients until smooth.